Person of considerable jank.


  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I think this is the answer. It seems like Microsoft is laying the foundation to go all-in on cloud gaming and/or gamepass. I think their ultimate goal is to dip out of the console wars altogether and be at the forefront of what they think could be the next frontier in gaming.

    Honestly, it’s kinda smart. Idk if cloud gaming could really be the future (at least in the US) until we have better infrastructure and access to fast/reliable internet without data caps is more ubiquitous, but carving out a niche for themselves instead of locking horns with the competition is pretty clever. It’s worked for Nintendo. Most PC and console gamers I know also own a Switch, in part because of the quality of the exclusives and in part because of the relatively accessible pricing of the console, but also because the Switch hardware offers a unique experience (well, it was a lot more unique pre-Steam Deck).

  • I suspect this is exactly why Battlebit Remastered blew up the way that it did this year even though it looks like a Roblox game. lol

    I think people are starved for a good, clean FPS that isn’t mostly battling menus, cluttered UI, MTX, endless DLC, P2W, battle passes, lootboxes, daily login bonuses, timed events, grindfests, invasive anti-cheat (or an overwhelm of cheaters), constant updates that break the game, etc. I think there’s a lot of us that just want to shoot stuff and have fun with our friends, like the glory days of online FPS. I’d happily fork over $60 today for that kind of experience, but I don’t trust hardly any AAA publishers to keep their promises if they even did offer something like that.

  • You are right, I’m a pretty big fan of Bloons TD 6 myself. I’ve also played a lot of Osu!Lazer and some of the Netflix indies. It just kind of feels like the overwhelming majority of mobile games are predatory and obnoxious, but there are definitely some really well-done games between the premium options, console ports, and a handful of open source games.

  • I felt this in my soul. lol This has basically been my state of mind for the least couple of years. I used to game on mobile a fair amount, but these days, I just can’t handle mobile gaming anymore. I can’t deal with F2P games on PC, either, despite having loved some of them in the past (Apex Legends, Warframe, etc.).

    Between F2P games, paid games with egregious F2P-style monetization, and soooo many AAA games coming out broken or just bad, I have been playing a lot of retro games, older JRPGs, and indies the last couple of years. I’m just so burnt out on the modern game industry.