• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


    1. Book a swap in the app
    2. arrive in the lineup.
    3. serves one car at a time like an oil change
    4. the station has to constantly be charging the used batteries.


    Install 4-6 high speed chargers in the same spot and clear more cars faster .

    Essentially the swap station is only better if you arrive without a lineup. The swap takes 7-10min and is manned. If you are one or two cars deep waiting you are better to have just found a charger

  • Only thing that is worse in my mind is the “media” no longer news and “social media” both are largely negative and both are full of misinformation these days.

    Housing costs may also be a negative…

    Other than that MOST things seem better, we just can’t enjoy anything since the media/social media keeps telling us what we should fear and hate.