Bahnd Rollard

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • Because when the right is in power they fall in line, and when the left is in power the fall in love.

    Explanation, each left leaning congress critter and senate sloth has something they want to champion, something they usually got elected to do or fix… And they are wildly inconsistent within the party on how to do that. With the right being obstructionist cockwombles most of the time it then appear from the outside that left is incapable of getting things done.

  • Bahnd Rollard@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMany such cases
    16 days ago

    Nah, their right… For people that can see the matrix (If you pardon the analogy) its fine and preferable to a desktop. However, to most people if it can be done from the desktop or menus it may as well not exist. If you try and explain it their eyes glaze over, they dont eant to learn something new, they just want to stare at the ass of the woman in the red dress…

    Im expirenced enough to live in a terminal because I host servers locally and Im a fairly recent convertee to full-time Linux desktop for gaming. Ive been shouting from the roof tops that its good enough now, to the people in my immediate meat space it falls of deaf ears, the privacy trainwreck that is windows and the evils of the modern internet are not a concern to them. So they dont feel any need to change things…

  • Well… It is anime.

    According to IMDB, the animation studio is Sola Entertainment, which really doesn’t have much under their belt. They are listed on “Ninja Kamui” and “Ultraman” and thats about it. I cant say much where the staff came from or if there is any famous directors behind this but they seem good enough. The bar for new LotR content isnt that high right now so ill be happy if its the quality of Netflix’s+Anime colabs.

    Edit: also post-production notes say late-december 2024, and its expecting a theatrical release (good luck with that…)

  • For W10 you can still do offline installs with the media creation tool and telling it you dont have an internet connection, for W11 even enterprise users are all tied into autopilot, Intune MDM, and/or a microsoft account. I do not believe there is a method to install W11 without an internet connection and account. If there some some way to get the install tools to do that, I dont know what it is, and I do IT for a job…

    Honestly, making the switch to linux full time is not that bad. Every tool, utility and program other than the most niche propriatary applications have a FOSS variant, and it is starting to sound like a bad relationship when people wait for MS to make a policy, change or product that isnt comedicly evil…

    Just break up… If you need to talk at the hivemind of the internet for advice, we got ya.

  • For 2077, as a nerd with multiple completions with the different prologs (and a hardest difficulty clear of “Dont fear the reaper”, and I have yet to complete the DLC), Fem-V I feel has the best dialog and a few other noticable gameplay differences.

    If you play as Male-V Your character is more agressive and with a few upgrades feels like they can solve most issues by punching someone through a wall, this works very well writing wise with the street kid background. You also fit more into the sterotype of action-movie star, I sorta view this is the default for dialog as the game expects you to fight your way out of most problems.

    If you play as Fem-V Johnny is significantly less of a jack-ass to you early game. The corpo backstory has the games best lines, Fem-V is incredibly sassy and knows how to make people panic by bullshitting work jargon at them. On relationships, especially after the funeral, it makes me question why V and Jackie wernt an item, also River is a wet blanket… Sorry.

    Overall both are fantastic VA preformances, I have played more games as Fem-V than Male-V, but thats mostly due to me prefering a netrunner/stealth build on the harder difficulties. One character comes off as a one-liner spouting cyborg with anger issues, and the other is a psycho-chick who will jump out of your cereal and stab you in the teeth.