2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Trump: “Nobody, and I mean nobody. And I mean that, really I do. No one knows more about Jeff than I do. He and I go way back. Terrific guy, really. Tremendous. Huuuge guy, whatever that means. But I think you know, don’t you? Look, you have to have a real smart, you know what. But I get that. There’s not a lot of smart people running Jeffrey Epstein Island. But at least we have Jeff. He’s all about that. I’m all about that. Americans know everywhere what I want, what I’m all about. I was talking to Jeff’s property… uh, whatever her name is. I don’t know her name, I just grabbed her by the pussy and said, ‘Listen. Listen. You hear that? Exactly. That’s what I mean, that’s what the fake news won’t tell you.’ And she looks at me and says, ‘What?’. And I gotta tell you folks, for real. This is real. And this is what I’m all about. We have to vote the Dems out. Sleepy Joe. Bengazi. Something about Iran or whatever, I don’t really care. But the point is, I think I’ve made my point. And they said to me, something that always sticks in my heart, and I’ll the you the secret. We just have to vote Epstein out. Get the democrats out, and stand up for freedom and vote for Red this year in December. On December 4, make your thing count, you know what I mean? Sleepy Jeff Biden doesn’t know that, does he? It’s sad, really. And I mean that. Just terrible. Sad day in America to be an Epstein, but a great one. Tremendous, even.”

  • I used to be okay with ads. Back then, they were on television often and gave you a chance to check on things, use the restroom, etc. Internet advertising in the 90s and early 2000s was annoying and pervasive. I was fine with banner ads and only one popup, because you could easily close it and crack on.

    But then ads (and the Internet) became personalized with pervasive and predatory tracking. Coupled with the manipulation of algorithms, I’ve grown to despise most centralized systems. I hate advertising and now I make sure to take heavy measures to block as much as I can and reduce my footprint as much as possible within my control.

    If companies turn off their telemetry and the personalization, stop selling my information with reckless abandon, and stop leaking my data where they claim “your privacy and security is important to us”, then and only then will I disable my ad blockers.