ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝

A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!


  • Yrtree.me - it’s still early days for me in the Fediverse, so bear with me
  • 71 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I am very laid back (my Dad always said I was nearly horizontal) and I never get angry, I rarely even get flustered or impatient. My Dad was a very good man and I try to follow his example as much as possible. As his health declined and I started caring for him (a real privilege as he helped so many it was only just that he got help in return when he needed it, even if it couldn’t possibly fully pay him back) and, as I picked up some of his slack I did wonder where he found the time or energy. Since he died, I have felt like a sheepdog without a flock and have found myself adopting various people - I helped a friend through her cancer journey and her son start university, I took another friend to hospital sufficiently often that she just told the staff I was her “hospital husband” (which did stop them asking questions, usually with a roll of the eyes) and, as I don’t drink, I ferry people home from the pub.

    However, I can be… thoughtless and this can be really annoying, especially to the easily angered - I’ve lost a friend over it and my brother isn’t exactly my greatest fan (the other year, my niece asked if I wanted to know all the nasty things my brother said about me and I declined - if we knew what people thought about us, we’d tear each other apart). I can also be rude to people but just where it’s funny, you just have to know your audience (it can appal any bystanders though). I’m also not very emotionally expressive and I suspect at least one friend thinks I’m a sociopath.

    So am I nice? Although it might depend on who you ask, I’d say no. However, I try to do as much good as possible - if anyone needs help, I’ll drop what I’m doing and pitch in.

  • Good second half too:

    That search/SEO is broken seems to be part of the game plan here.

    It’s probably like Russia burning Moscow against Napoleon and a hell of a privilege Google enjoy with their monopoly.

    I’ve seen people opt for chatGPT/AI precisely because it’s clean, simple and spam free, because it isn’t Google Search.

    And as @caseynewton said … the web is now in managed decline.

    For those of us who like it, it’s up to us to build what we need for ourselves. Big tech has moved on

    That’s why we are all here.

    It’s interesting to think that Big Tech might just move on from the Web, leaving it to us ordinary humans to go back to the way we were doing it in Web 1.0 just with fancier tools at our disposal. I quite like the idea.

  • I don’t block any but, as an Admin, I tend to check on all communities (theoretically) in case there’s shenanigans. As I am on a smaller instance Local is manageable and then I use Subscribed. All is too much of a firehose of content to use much. So I am more opt-in than opt-out.

    My preferred way to browse here is using All and blocking communities I don’t want to see. That way I get exposed to new things I wouldn’t seek out on my own (for example: British archaeology)

    Glad you like it.

  • It depends on your definition but Visitor Q by Takashi Miike would probably offend most people. His other films can be rather out-there too.

    Also the splatterpunk films of Yoshihiro Nishimura rank high. If you want a distilled taste, see “Z is for Zetsumetsu” in ABCs of Death. Otherwise, try Tokyo Gore Police.

    Tetsuo: The Iron Man actually caused me to have palpitations, and it’s rare I have such a physical reaction to a film.

    And that’s just Japan, you could always try something like Adam Chaplin.

    However, they tend to be so over-the-top that they are entertaining. If you want to watch something that’s an ordeal to get through then you could start with the August Underground films. There are others in the same vein like Tumbling Doll of Flesh or Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood. You can then grub around looking for similar films as there’s always someone out there trying to be more appalling. However, it’s not really my cup of tea - the worst I’ve seen in the cinema is probably Necromantic last Valentine’s Day, which got quite a few walk-outs, although my main issue was it seemed far too loud.

  • I just have everything in a drawer with morning on the left and evening in the right.

    My Dad needed a lot more pills on an intensive schedule but most pills were morning and evening, so I had 2 seven day pill boxes that I’d refill as they emptied and a system of alarms on my phone (that included the dose) for the other pill that he needed at intervals through the day.

    So you should be able to find the right box for your pill regime and then you just get used to sticking to it, so you know if you missed one because the slot still has pills in.