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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I agree, everyone thinks cars, bikes, buses, and people all should follow the same line along the same corridor. Having bike lanes seperated more can be very benefecial and helps seperation without need for physical barriers. For example a road could run down the center of a commercial area, with a dedicated BRT lane, and bike/ped pnaes closer to the businesses or even a seperate enterance/laneway behind the businesses dedicated to people.

    But most of North America thinks a painted bicycle gutter along a busy road, crossing many car intersections and entrances is the best we can build.

  • I see where you are coming from there. My comment is mostly concerned with north america and our street/road design and layout is awful. There are many school zones where cars could easily exceed 100km/h if the driver wanted to. Because of these deisgns I think it is best we keep cyclists and pedestrains as seperated from cars until better street design and traffic calming can be massively implemented. The scale of the street redesign is massive and would have to be city wide to be truly effective.

    An easier and cheaper start to pitch politically would be proper bike lanes along major corridors. A few years down the line streets along those lanes would improve and the city could slowly redevelop.

    I wish I could just snap my fingers and have safe streets but stroads and the attitude of driving is so bad in much of north america we are going to have to fix it in stages. We can’t just convert our stroads overnight unfortunately.

  • Are they also protesting the frieght trains that are often heavier and noisier? Or just the trains that let “poor people” get around?

    Every rail in an urban area near me has signs saying not to block the track. Every crossing on a busy road has lights and crossing bars. Every low traffic crossing has warning signs and a STOP before crossing.

    These signs are for drivers, drivers are trained to recognize them and they resemble all the other road signs drivers are expected to follow.

    If your area is using similar signage then this is 100% on negligent drivers. If they replace that rail with a road are drivers just going to run the red or gridlock the intersection like they currently treat the rail crossing?

  • A driver’s impatience and eagerness to pass has always baffled me and in my area we really need better enforcement for agressive and dangerous passes (uphill, blind corners). The other day i was driving a large work van through a school zone just as all the kids are getting out. This other driver tailgated me, then blew past me in the oncoming lane as we passed the school. About 5 seconds later we were out of the school zone and i had caught up to the driver that was now stuck behind another car. This driver literally risked running over children to save maybe 5 seconds and be 1 car length ahead.

    In my opinion, they should have their car impounded, lisence suspended for a period of time, and have an agressive driving charge which conditions of losing their lisence forever if caught doing something similar again. Letting people continue to drive like that will eventually lead to injury or death.