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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • And choosing selling ads vs being a decent news company and having good, balanced, reporting they nefariously choose to take profit by manufacturing controversy. They, as in the the news in general, also have a history of coming to the defense of the oil industry, and shitting on anything in competition to it, because it is a vital venue for US imperialism, or economic influence, as they might say. It has proven so intentional that they call everything they say on this subject into question. You are free to feel that these economic interests don’t play a significant factor in the broader operations of why they release the articles they do, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t that way.

  • It isn’t awesome that her life is so miserable that, even though she has spent decades exhausting all medical treatment options, she still wants to die. What is awesome is that there is a comprehensive and humane way for her to end her suffering that assures this isn’t a rash decision, gives her loved ones a time frame to come to terms with it, and provides a situation where they do not have to deal with the aftermath of doing it herself.

    Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who’s lives are nothing but pain and suffering. Pain and suffering despite seeking out all possible means to relieve themselves of this pain, and finding that none exist. Pain that isn’t going to end, and not having a life worth living to look forward to. There are also a lot of people out there that have loved these people and realized that, though it hurts them, the suffering the person they love is going through is far worse, and will not get better. Sometimes it is more selfish to demand someone not end their life than it is for them to do so.

    You clearly have not actually been in this position, even if you have been suicidal before. Maybe you should admit that you don’t know everything about this, and let people have a humane way to stop their suffering.

  • Keep in mind, no one actually knows how many people US police kill. If no outside agency, of some sort, is involved, they do not report it. These numbers are based on what were reported and, according to Patrick Lynch - Previous head of the largest police union in the US, “most” police killings never make it to the public. So it is likely that the number is, at least, a little more than twice that. The 1994 crime bill stipulated an obligation for all police killings to be reported, in full, to the federal government. The DOJ has never enforced this rule, and has no plans to ever do so. They think it would be too destructive to police if they had to do this.


    The quote from Patrick Lynch was from an industry rag and I can not find any longer. The link I had is now dead. The magazine is called American Police Beat, and you can find it in just about all PD offices, and correctional facilities. Seems they scoured that article. Whether it was done because it was old, and not archived, or because of the bad optics, is not known.