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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • I just wanted to add that I’m pretty sure Trump is jealous that Putin has something that he doesn’t… owning an entire country.

    He wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is playing some warped version of “keeping up with the Joneses” to the detriment of our entire country. It’s a disgusting display of self absorption I never thought possible.

    That’s literally it. He’s going to try to become a dictator so he can boost his fucking ego and not be ‘outdone’ by someone else.

  • Reddit is going to end up just being trolls arguing with bots and corporate shills… if it isn’t already. I haven’t been there in a long time, but I’m fairly confident in that assessment.

    What i really wonder about is how long a site can profit off of the majority of activity coming from bots. I’m not tech savvy enough to know if the analytics can tell the difference between a bot posting and a person. How long can that go on before the site stops being profitable via ads? Will companies pay to advertise to bots? Would they even know? It’s kinda funny to think about honestly.

    It’ll be really interesting to see how reddit’s downfall comes to be though.

  • I like the way you think! I’m cisgender but would totally accept homogender. Plus, homogender homosapien has a nice ring to it.

    I honestly think the only way the word cis would be allowed on twitter is if some moron decided to weaponize it and start calling trans folks cisphobic or something. Then act like it’s some sort of brilliant “gotcha” moment because these people are not only genuinely stupid but also hellbent on embodying all the worst parts of humanity.

    Only then would the butthole licker of trolls known as Elon Musk accept term.

  • I think the last white domestic terrorists to be called terrorists were the unibomber and Timothy McVeigh.

    Both were in the 80s - 90s iirc. For some reason since 9/11 the word terrorist has been reserved for brown people who may or may not be Muslim and it’s really fucking us over.

    At the same time people have been burning down and bombing abortion clinics since the late 70’s and that has never been called out as terrorism, or more accurately christian terrorism either.

    I guess my point is that the US government sucks at indentifying/dealing with domestic terrorists and openly turn a blind eye to privileged groups committing atrocities domestically.

  • Maybe not, but female hormonal birth control can cause liver tumors and blood clots. Can’t have more kids if a blood clot kills you.

    The moral of the story should be safer contraceptives for everyone…

    Unfortunately for women they weigh the side effects of hormonal birth control against those of a pregnancy. Since pregnancy also increases the chance of blood clots and other things they just say “good enough!” And put it on the market…which is bullshit. Either way we’re at higher risk of serious health issues.

    That’s why women are angry. I feel confident saying the majority of women dont want unsafe bc for men. We want more research into safer bc options available for us too.

  • I think one of the many problems with AI generated CSAM is that as AI becomes more advanced it will become increasingly difficult for authorities to tell the difference between what was AI generated and what isn’t.

    Banning all of it means authorities don’t have to sift through images trying to decipher between the two. If one image is declared to be AI generated and it’s not…well… that doesn’t help the victims or create less victims. It could also make the horrible people who do abuse children far more comfortable putting that stuff out there because it can hide amongst all the AI generated stuff. Meaning authorities will have to go through far more images before finding ones with real victims in it. All of it being illegal prevents those sorts of problems.