coffee | music | gaming

This city doesn’t know what’s coming
She doesn’t feel the heat
This city won’t know what hit her
What knocked her out into the streets
This city’s thinking that it’s over
And she’s already fast asleep

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Brink… Sigh. I remember that trailer coming out and I watched it like every day for years waiting for it to come. I watched every dev vlog, read every update. For years I was hyped on that. At time of release my buddy and I took the week off of work. We played it for like 3 hours one night and finished it. I remember thinking “there must be a mistake. This can’t be it. This isn’t the game I’ve been dreaming about.” I never booted it up again after that first night.

    Brink was my CP2077.

  • I’ll share my experience. I love oblivion, skyrim, and enjoyed d4. I’ve never played DnD or a Baldurs Gate game.

    I am so stoked that BG3 is getting the recognition for all they’ve done in putting the gamer experience above all else. Seeing the passion and love they put in and gamers are then experiencing is incredible.

    I have also realized the game is not for me. There’s too much detail. I don’t enjoy controlling a whole party of characters. I may not just be smart enough for all the shit that’s in this. I am also a new dad so I just don’t have the time or brain power to learn and I feel like it’s a big learning curve.

    Maybe one day I’ll come back to it and feel differently, but I’m also okay watching everyone else enjoy it while I play something else in the limited time I have.

  • Kill_joy@kbin.socialtoReddit@lemmy.worldOfficial timelapse
    11 months ago

    So now that it’s 100% clear that he has the hatred of the reddit community, he is in the perfect position to make all the changes no one asked for, and do what the board believes is necessary to fully monetize Reddit, and then get “sacked” with a nice and hefty severance package.

    He played the part of fall guy perfectly. The “I adore Elon Musk” interview was the cherry on top.

  • They don’t have a meeting with Toyota and say “check out the community banner our users created”

    They say “we launched a promo that lasted 48 hours (or w/e the fuck it is) and community engagement was through the roof. We had an increase of x% users during this time. The next time we will do this it will be $X amount for X amount of ad space so you can get in front of X amount of users”

    I haven’t seen r/place but I bet there are 0 ads on that page. Reddit is smarter than to sell ad space next to FUCK SPEZ and My Little Pony Porn. What they will do is increase ad prices for the next “event”.

    No matter what you think, this engagement is supporting them.

  • I completely agree, friendo.

    This should not become reddit 2.0. let them keep their platform for poop jokes. I’m 100% content with the users we have and have had a wonderful time engaging with them. We don’t need to advertise on r/place is the point I tried to make. We don’t need the people who are still using reddit and think it’s funny writing FUCK on r/place.

    Sorry if I didn’t get that across originally.