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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I accidently started a trend among a certain group of being early to the meeting because I was worried about being late. So, instead of getting ten minutes to mentally prepare with a book or podcast, it became asinine small talk. Now I’ve just gotten better at being ten minutes early without signing in and setting a two minute timer on my phone to log into the chat. Now they complain I’m not chatting with them. Why can’t they understand I’d never choose to interact with them, this is work.

  • Ultimately, it probably doesn’t matter. Your wife may have a point, but it is completely negated by the fact she’s introducing contaminants from her hand to the food. Using a clean item to remove the excess may be beneficial, especially if the liquid drying can make it hard to open. Again, all of this is splitting hairs if your food is generally stored correctly and nobody is at particular risk for food borne illness. You’re at home, not serving others in a restaurant.

  • One where my work phone doesn’t ring with people asking me to solve basic ass problems they should be able to solve themselves. I’m all for calling me in emergencies or unusual situations, we have patients depending on us. Don’t call me because you can’t find something or someone is rude or you’re scared to make the call your fucking paid to make. Really aggravating.

  • I’m a millennial and have been called a “doomer” because I realize it’s essentially too late. I know people don’t like to think that, but the reality is that nothing of any significance has or is being done to curb global warming. You couple that with the fact we’ve literally poisoned everything, including ourselves, with no way to clean it up and I don’t see the quality of life for humans being great after 2050. You can blow me off as a shill if you’d like, but this is just reality. Additionally, my generation and gen z have a significant number of fascists and the pollution continues, so I don’t think that’s the solution you’re hoping for. I’d love to be wrong, but that isn’t backed by the facts.

  • It depends on how much content you’re looking for. You can’t get the “infinite scroll” like you could on reddit, the user base just isn’t there. The closest you can get is browsing all, but it’s still limited. Search for communities based on your interests and then follow the communities that seem most active, as there will likely be duplicates. I left reddit last year when they killed the apps. I will say two things about my transition to lemmy: One, the content I do get is more tailored and specific. Two, I spend less time attached to my phone because new content isn’t pouring in by the second. I view these as positives.