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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Don’t get me wrong, this is a shitty thing to do. But there are two important facts to keep in mind. First, that this has been something they’ve been working on for months so it’s not like biden and his administration went from telling bibi that he needs to protect civilians and try to come to a deal with hamas and have a ceasefire to selling him these jets in the same talk. Second, these jets have to be built. It’ll take at least 5 years for them to be built and anyone who is aware of how slow our government builds jets knows that that could be extended. If anything this isn’t shitty because it’s giving Israel jets, its shitty because it looks like a fucking bribe from the Israelis to try and make sure the US continues to support them.

  • Important note for those who dont want to read the actual article: the ban is essentially saying only some flags can be bought with federal funds and then hung up officially, and the pride flag isn’t one of them. It also doesn’t prohibit personal displays, so while they can’t be on flag poles or bought with federal funds, they can still be displayed. Interestingly, the bill also bans the confederate flag. It’s still just bigotry being forced by the GOP but there’s always more context than a headline can provide.

  • The writers of this terrible terrible article are Matt Cole and Chris Nicholson. I have looked up both of them.

    Matt Cole is Ceo of Strive. A company specifically created to work against diversity in the tech industry. Here’s Strives site where it talks about the history. It was created with Vivek Ramaswamy (Vivek rhymes with cake for pronunciation). Which if you know him, then you know how crazy this article really is.

    Chris Nicholson has a lot of people sharing his name. One is, as of 2018 at least, the ceo of skymind, an ai company that doesn’t even have offices in the US. Another is the ceo of mpulse mobile, a sub company of mpulse. It’s a Healthcare company that seems to do a lot of software development for that industry. Another is a partner at Russel Reynolds Associates, a pretty standard looking UK lawfirm. Yet another is an Australian Sailor who’s competed in multiple summer Olympics. I’m unsure which this Chris Nicholson is. Probably not the Olympian.

    I know this was an opinion piece but I’m rather surprised to see this from the hill. I don’t really care for them but this seems to be a step in a much worse direction. It’s possible it’s been heading that direction for a while and I just haven’t noticed it since I don’t really pay attention to their clickbait.

  • While the incel movement may have seemed to be just some men who found community in others who haven’t been in a relationship, something rather innocuous. It very quickly got hijacked into what it is today. It went from “I haven’t been with a woman yet but I’m still looking and in the mean time i have my friends” to “It’s women’s fault that I haven’t been with one and they use sex for power and are horrible people” and it devolved into worse things from there. The incel community was preyed upon by misogynist far right fascist and nazis. They were assaulted with propaganda in their communities, a place they had finally found that they were comfortable in. And when you are around those you care about, and they start espousing bigoted beliefs, some start to agree with it, and then most of them fall for it. It’s not unreasonable to want community. Everyone wants that. But the incel community quickly became a community of people who hated that they were virgins and were willing to take their anger out on others. Particularly women identifying individuals.

    You say they are lacking in a way they can’t get women, I don’t think is wrong. They really haven’t been taught well by our society how to interact with women. They’re trying to get into a relationship using what they’ve been taught, but they’re floundering, reasonably, because society has taught them to view women as sex objects. Incels as a movement are a failure of our society, a failure of us teaching our kids how to act around others, including the gender they’re attracted to.

    I’m not nearly read up enough to give you much more information, but if you want, there’s a book called Escape from Incel Island by Margaret Killjoy. It’s really good and helps explain things far more eloquently and fully than me, a random lemmy user can.

    Also, never having been in a relationship doesn’t make you an incel, it just makes you someone who hasn’t experienced that yet. And that’s okay, we all grow at different speeds, it’s okay to not having been with someone. We attach way too much to the idea of being with your first person. It’s important to be able to respect and care about yourself somewhat before getting in a relationship, and it’s okay if that takes a while. I didn’t have that experience until my mid 20s, but it didn’t make me any less of a person. Just remember to respect yourself, and to respect the others around you. And also don’t treat women like sex objects, we are just humans, like any other. And there are 100% multiple people out there who will be interested in you, even if it takes a while to find one. I know you’ll find someone, especially considering you’re asking this question. You’re willing to ask about tough topics and that is something a lot of people can’t do. So good on you.

  • Highly unlikely this is what the civil war would be like. It’s not a state v state thing necessarily although that might be a small part of it. In the first civil war, the south unified and its people largely supported the war, except their slaves. It’s unlikely something like that will happen again. It’s not impossible but unlikely.

    What is much more likely is rural v city. Even in red states, cities are blue and will often vote for blue policies. Rural areas are where things get dicey. They’ve been largely left behind by the surge in industry and general expansion of the capitalist economy we currently have (they’ve had a lot of businesses (including grocery stores) close because more people are leaving, and their rural towns are frequently having their hospitals close leaving large swaths of areas where the nearest hospital is an hour away). As such, they’ve got a grudge against the cities. What’s likely to happen is rural counties and their local governments trying to cut off their food supply, starving the cities to win the battle. There’s tons more possibilities, but this one I think is the one that’s got the highest likelihood.

    Another possibility that is scary, but is highly dependent on the party of the people in power, is the government using their power to actually strike the cities, like in Syria where Assad bombed and used chemical weapons on his own people. Syria is actually a pretty good example of what more modern civil wars are like, or can be like. Governments v rebels and militias, and cities v rural (although there’s much less rural land in Syria).

    If you’re interested, the podcast It Could Happen Here has a great first season where they go over possible disasters including a civil war and a pandemic (it was actually made in 2019 so before covid). It’s really helpful and can teach a lot, especially for an outsider from across the pond. It also does a lot better job giving an explanation and actual sources.

    Hope this helps since it didn’t seem like you were getting a real answer.