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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • I like that we don’t see a lot of defense in Goa’uld technology. They believe that the only threats to them will come through the gate network that they (until recently) control completely.

    Their weapons are purpose built to oppress slaves.

    Their chief forms of defense, when truly threatened, are retreat and burying a wormhole.

    It makes Stargate one of the most plausible “humanity resists advanced aliens” plots - because the Goa’uld are caught on their heels, tactically by Earth’s wormhole being activated by humans who shouldn’t have found it and (the Goloa’uld thought) shouldn’t have had the wits to activate it.

  • I’ll take “Organizations that made it to the top by doing something different, only to fall under leadership that doesn’t understand what made them successful and descend into ruins” for 200, Alex.

    Seriously, Jeopardy team - this is a rich category:

    • Netflix advertisements.
    • Zoom mandates staff return to offices.
    • Microsoft forgets what the “P” in “PC” stands for.
    • Toys R Us implements a shitty holiday gift returns policy.
    • Sears decides to sacrifice reputation for quarterly stock price gains.
    • Walgreens decides bottom-of-the-barrel incompetent pharmacists can uphold their “get it all done in one visit” secret sauce.
    • Radio Shack decides that once-every-two-years cellphone contract sales are the future for holding passionate electronics hobbyists’ loyalty.

  • We’re in a “fuck around” cycle where they pretend that the problem was we didn’t have “copilot”, and not that all of our development managers are wildly unqualified.

    The “find out” part comes next.

    Which is fucking impossible to fathom, because my fucking grocery store’s app can’t even implement search reliably, today.

    I’m not sure how they’re going to manage to make things worse.

    Actually, I’ll make a guess. My guess is we will go under the critical skill level needed for building safe hospital equipment, and we will get a rash of that stuff killing people due to lack of programmer skills.

    I hope the asshole CEOs are the ones that die, but there’s not enough karma in the world for that.