Palacegalleryratio [he/him]

Red panda because Dirt Owl said so.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Palacegalleryratio [he/him]@hexbear.nettoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAre you a 'tankie'
    24 days ago


    Tankie is a meaningless word. If you point out China has undeniably made progress under communism, you’re a tankie. If you point out Stalin wasn’t the evil dictator westerners make him out to be (even though it’s disproven by the literal CIA itself) you’re a tankie, if you think capitalism is causing problems in the USA you’re a tankie. If you criticise US or NATO foreign policy you’re a tankie. If you criticise the Republicans you’re a Tankie. If you criticise the Dems, guess what also a tankie. If you think that the USSR and the PRC are/were perfect little angels that never made any mistakes or did anything wrong ever then you’re also a Tankie.

    It’s just too broad a term for me or anyone to identify with any way. It’s not an ideology. It’s a dumb insult to dismiss the opinions of others you disagree with without having to engage with their point at all or critically analyse your own beliefs in any meaningful way.

  • iirc the no windows 9 thing was actually because a lot of software ran a compatibility check like:

    if windows version = “windows 9*” then open legacy mode

    This worked for software written for newer windows like xp but still allowing a legacy mode on older windows versions like 95 and 98. Problem was this also put that same software running on windows 9 into legacy mode. So they called it windows 10 to sidestep the compatibility issues.

  • I don’t get it. From what I can remember from history classes and reading Wikipedia (so not ideal sources!) the victims of the holocaust numbered some c.6million Jews out of the c.14m total victims including, amongst others, c.7.8m soviet pows and civilians.

    Surely what Germany should have guilt for is its genocide against humans, not specifically just its treatment of Jews. So unless we’re saying the treatment of communist, Slavic, Romani, gay and disabled people etc by nazi Germany was not such a bad thing actually and it’s just the Jews that Germany regrets killing (and surely we are not saying that!?) then it would seem to me that Germany should be speaking out against any and all genocide, including that of Palestinians?

    I’m legitimately confused about this point of view.