• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • Float-tanks are this:

    Imagine a bigger-than-normal bathtub, so you can sprawl-out ( arms & lega akimbo ) without hitting the sides…

    the water-density is upped with brine, instead of plain water ( the float-tanks place I used to go to used sacks of “bitter salts” & the texture of the brine was damn-near oily, and DO NOT EVER shave shortly before going into a brine-soak, or you’re going to discover what stinging really means )

    also it is brought up to a person’s body-temperature, or close to it.

    When there’s no temperature-difference, & you’re floating sooo high that drowning is much less likely ( the Dead Sea is probably the prototype for all float-tanks, btw ), & you aren’t bumping into the walls, then you’re in blissful sensory-deprivation ( total dark, too, obviously, probably use a timer, limit it to 2h max ), & meditation can be awesome in these conditions.

    _ /\ _

  • TTBOMK, there are 3 things which change-the-rules, significantly.

    1. Pimsleur. Get the Pimsleur app, get the all-languages subscription, & do 1 session per day.

    2. Flashcards, or Anki, to get the visual imprinted into your automatic-mind, for any language you are trying to learn


    1. Tandem, where you find a speech-learning partner, you help other people learn your languages better, other people help you learn your target-language better.

    Begin with Pimsleur & with some yt videos.

    ( they have no Sanskrit, which is the one I want, unfortunately )

    Do well!

    _ /\ _

  • Computational-Fluid-Dynamics simulations are RAM-limited, iirc.

    I’m presuming many AI models are, too, since some of them require stupendous amounts of RAM, which no non-server machine would have.

    “diminishing returns” is what Intel’s “beloved” Celeron garbage was pushing.

    When I ran Memtest86+ ( or the other version, don’t remember ), & saw how insanely slow RAM was, compared with L2 or L3 cache, & then discovered how incredible the machine-upgrade going from SATA to NVMe was…

    Get the fastest NVMe & RAM you can: it puts your CPU where it should have been, all along, and that difference between a “normal” build vs an effective build is the misframing the whole industry has been establishing, for decades.

    _ /\ _

  • Wikipedia-titles often don’t give enough context for one to understand if it’s worth clicking-into.

    I’ve got enough web-parasites trying to machiavellianly pry into my finite-mental-strength, … so it’s more likely for me to just ignore any post in this community which I can’t understand whether it’s worth digging-into,

    & therefore am much more prone to not engaging, thanks to the “laconic” non-informativeness of the posts.

    Others may have the same reaction…

    Take a look at www.TVTropes.org & see how their titles pull people into their articles, & see the difference with this community’s posts…

    Also, thank you for making this community: there are a few very interesting ones I’ve found only because of here.

    _ /\ _

  • Multiple conflicting definitions for “Conservative”, for 1 thing…

    WHEN you tolerate the:

    • moneyarchists
    • legalists
    • class-position worshippers / monarchists
    • authority-worshippers

    to claim that they define conservatism,

    & us who’re committed to conserving

    • G-D given LivingValidity
    • G-D given LivingWorth
    • G-D given LivingPotential
    • G-D offered LivingOpportunity

    … people are therefore defined to be not “conservative”…

    then the framing has been highjacked.

    Integrity-conservatives are conservatives.

    LivingPotential conservatives are conservatives, who’re interested in competent education for all, instead of accommodating the obliteration of LivingPotential through shit “education”…

    LivingOpportunity conservatives are conservatives, who want wastefulness-of-LivingOpportunity to be eradicated, so that we can be inhabiting it, instead of allowint it to be eradicated/wasted…


    I’d begin with the correct qualification of the version of “conservative” that a person is claiming.

    Corrupt privilege-conservatives ought be called such, & not let get-away-with claiming that the’re the rightful definers of “conservative”.

    This should go for all “conservative” & “liberal” identifications:

    Let people claim whatever variant they want, and then enforce accountability through matching their actual-behavior against their claims, with indestructible public accountability.

    _ /\ _

  • Whether true or not, I don’t know.

    I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

    IF they did do so, THEN that doesn’t mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

    Apparently there’s some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards…

    Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

    How could it?

    We’re in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it’s required for humankind’s survival, that we get competent in journalism’s methodical & careful discernment.

    All of us.

    Our kind’s life IS at stake, this century.

    _ /\ _

  • The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.

    What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.

    ( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.

    Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )

    I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?