You wouldn’t download a car.

wiki-user: RandomLegend

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You could optimize it though.

    As said one comment above, check if it’s the same composition as before and don’t take a screenshot if it didn’t change. Make some rules to filter out video content so if you have a youtube video open it doesn’t take a screenshot every second just because the video is running.

    Or you could actually integrate this with your window manager. Only take a screenshot if you move / resize / open / close a window. Make a small extension for browsers that tell it to make a screenshot if you scroll / close / open a page. Then you don’t have to make a screenshot and compare with the one before.

    This wouldn’t be as thorough as just forcing screenshots all the time and you would probably not catch stuff like writing a text in libreoffice as you don’t change anything with the window. But it could be a resourceful way to do that.

    And if for example no screenshot was taken for 1 minute because nothing called for that, you could just take one regardless. That way you have a minimum of one screenshot per minute or as often as window manager / browser calls for it.

  • Also, 1MB on full resolution. You could also downscale the images dramatically after you OCR them. So let’s say we shoot in full res, OCR and then downscale to 50%. Still enough so everything is human readable, combined with searchable OCR you’re down to 7,5GB for a whole month.

    Absolutely feasable. Let’s say we’re up to 8GB to include the OCR text and additional metadata and just reserve 10GB on your system for that to make double sure.

    Now you have 10GB to track your whole 3440x1440 display.

  • This would be interesting for when you have to number something and have very limited space and don’t want the arabic numbers to be written too small.

    I mean lets be honest, this technique is a couple hundred years old and was never adopted or even widespread. So ofc the method we use today is the superior one.

    But this is very interesting and fun to play with. For everyone doing TTRPG or LARP this is a cool concept to integrate.

  • Nah i am German, so imho I have every right to be majorly pissed off by religion being so invasive that they even enforce taxes unless you take your time and fucking pay money to officially leave the church so you don’t have to pay those cults any money anymore

    Organized religion has no respect for anyone, organized religion is the single most horrible thing that ever happened to humanity and organized religion is solely responsible for billions of deaths throughout history, way too many fucking wars and so much blocking of innovation.

    Religion doesnt respect women, lgbtq, mentally disabled, people who don’t want to be indoctrined to follow a cult member and, of course, members of other religions.

    But sure, go ahead and continue that stupid categorized thinking of “I bet you’re american” buddy