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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Hey! Actual trans person. I want to start by saying please use Transgender, not transexual. It’s a dysphoria around gender and the outdated transexual term ties it to sexuality. In reality, those are very different, even if they may be closely associated in general thought.

    Some of what you are describing you did when you were younger was exploring your gender. I personally think that’s great, and I think everyone should at least ask themselves how they feel about their identity and try things out if they find themselves curious. Like you, they might not find that they are trans and that’s ok! That actually happens a lot, though most cis folks don’t tend to question or think about their gender much.

    As for me, when I was a kid, I just felt wrong whenever I was strongly gendered as male. I felt how you feel about your masculinity when I could get away with feminine choices. The Internet was an escape where I could be anonymous and I clung to it since it let me be more myself. If you’d like to learn more or learn signs that you or others might be experiencing gender dysphoria, I highly recommend https://genderdysphoria.fyi.

  • Here’s a good resource: http://genderdysphoria.fyi/

    You need to understand how often people ask questions that seem to come from a place of ignorance but genuine curiosity and then take that discussion to tell trans folks that they are wrong. It happens so much that it’s the main way that transphobes try to infiltrate spaces meant for trans folks.

    My honest response is to check that website out. If you are asking about this in trans spaces, bring zero opinions to the table and accept what is said back to you without debate. Debating trans folks’ existence is something that is forced upon them in their own spaces by malicious people asking and framing questions just like you’ve described.

    It’s hard to take the “enlightened centrism” stance seriously when I see it used as an excuse. So many centrists tell trans folks that their identity is wrong and that they are mentally ill or chose this “lifestyle”. As if they want to be trans. As if they like feeling scared and being told they’re wrong about something as fundamental as their identity.