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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Nah,

    I grew up in the world of BBS’s and IRC. First foray into a chat channel started with someone renaming themselves “34yrDude changes name to 15yrChick”

    …and that set the tone for me what the internet is.

    It’s a entire world where you make absolutely zero assumptions. The ‘things’ responding in text could be anything. And I say thing instead of people because these days it may not even a person.

    There’s an entity that responds to my comments, and perhaps seemingly hurtful,

    it could be some 10yr old kid who doesn’t fully understand, it could be could be some mentally challenged person, it could be someone’s crazy grandma,

    and now it could be some bot that while not purposefully built to be malicious, through emergent behavior is trolling and insulting people because it gets a rise out of people that results in more and longer comments, which tickles its feedback loop to do more of the same.

    So nah, there’s nothing anyone in the vast internet could type out that I would personally hurt my feelings, because I make no assumptions as to where the comment is coming from, and those comments don’t have a lot of weight to me.

  • Its weird,

    Because I have a developing conspiracy theory,

    It was clear to everyone, Iran, Russia and China have been developing a kind of trinity semi-alliance. And India is/was kinda on the verge of joining it, and if I was some kind of US long term tactical guru sitting around all day around 2010, I would formulating a plan on how to break them up.

    Maybe bait Russia into Ukraine… maybe bait Iran into Israel… maybe bait China into Taiwan?

    Watch them drain their military resources and economies into the fight. Offload all of the US’s old equipment, maybe sell some new ones. Test detection capabilities, see how things have developed since the Gulf War, see how two modernized militaries clash.

    Is this article right? Maybe. Is this article is just projecting? Perhaps.

    Don’t know, but Russia wasting its time/resources and playing it’s hand in Ukraine has been net-positive for the US And I feel if Iran did the same, and Israel starting hitting back hard (with them already saying they wont’ be directly involved), then it’s a win again for the US.

    But that could be playing with fire. The world is fucked if Israel lets off a nuclear device in Iran. Netanyahu is crazy enough to do it, if the people around him let him.

  • Realistic Batteries. It’s holding back a LOT of things. A lot of technologies are solved, but just require power.

    Semi-Realistic Room Temperature Super-Conductor.

    If that can be solved, the power density and efficiencies would just be astronomical… It would absolutely destroy multi-billion industries overnight.

    Way-Out-There-Stuff If they ever prove out an actual functional EmDrive-like thruster, that would absolutely open up space travel to our species.

  • bots are fucking atrocious for generating just miles and miles of trash content on Reddit.

    As a mod for many years, the real moding work was finding ways to keep the bots at bay.

    It got real bad since around 2020ish…

    They can train their AI’s all they want on Reddit, it’s a complete waste of time.

    That data is corrupt as shit. It’s already littered with garbage old AI posts and comments, and it’s gonna poison their models real bad.