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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


    1. Those apps are simple
    2. Those apps target a wide audience, hence have more budget as a result
    3. Those apps are made by large, well oiled (you’d hope at least) companies. You don’t want my honest opinion on most small software development boxes. This industry grew faster than mentors became available for the newbies, so many devs including seniors still don’t know what they are doing.

  • Those are really stupid managers.

    If you don’t have docs it’s a tough competition between having your more knowledgeable devs re-explaining what they know X times to X new hires, or letting new devs figure it out on their own which is both costly in terms of their time and more importantly, risky as hell.

    Bad managers love risk though. Since it usually is a choice between speed now and risk later, it only blows up in your face later, and quite spectacularly, and everyone looks like heroes while they are putting fires out on overtime.

    That said good managers probably don’t tolerate that shit from bad managers under them and can sniff out a firefighter culture pretty quick.

    I guess what I meant to say was, managers that value doc do exist. If they really do, they’ll let you know.

  • The problem is, the way I see it, all energy use is connected. Basically the problem we have is energy consumption grows faster than clean energy production. So requiring more green energy in this context still sucks. Even where I live where all of our energy is green (at least in the grid), extra energy can be sold either via selling it to other provinces/states, or by making deals with companies to do their production here where energy is cheap and green.

    Energy is a commodity on a market. If you use it to inefficiently move people, you can’t use it for other things. Remember that to move a 150 lbs person in a car, you have to move about a ton and a half of car…

  • SolarMech@slrpnk.nettoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlYes, also Teslas
    8 months ago

    100 years is ambitious only if you want to remove all of the cars. There are plenty of milestones that can be attained fairly quickly :

    • Smaller cars. Less energy, materials, etc. Safer for other road users (you don’t get hit on your vital organs, better vision for the driver and everyone else since pedestrians can easily see over the car).
    • Less car use is available now, if we just empower the alternatives (make bike usage safe, make public transport good enough)
    • No more cars in cities. Bikes + trains mostly do the job, you can rent a car if you leave the city, or park it at the outskirts.
    • Even smaller cities used to be liveable without a car. This could be brought back, but that’s probably a tough hill to climb.

  • Generally, you can replace some comments with variable names or comment names. Which means you must already be in the habbit of extracting methods, setting new variables to use appropriate names, and limit context to reduce the name (Smaller classes and methods means shorter names can be just as expressive, because the context is clearer). It lowers the number of wtfs per minute you get reading code before you even need whole sentences to explain why things are done in a certain way, because the names can be a powerful hint.

    But realistically, you end up needing comments for some things anyways.