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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • The decision to use Adobe suite is more likely to be a company wide decision. Part of Adobe suite lock-in is also familiarity making things faster. By promoting others, that may help future generations avoid at least part of the problem.

    Google services may be much more piecemeal. Even if the boss personally happens to think there’s a productivity benefit to using a given search engine, it would be unusual to block others.

    Practicing what you preach is sometimes important, but I’m not sure how much it bears on these issues. A single company eschewing either won’t make a difference. Getting the public to slowly consider alternatives may.

  • Folks with aphantasia are also more likely to lack an inner voice.

    I wouldn’t say my birthday in my head before responding. My inner voice isn’t so different from yours, except being in a conversation mine is silent. With typing as well mine isn’t always present. Typing on my phone I have to think the word to swipe it, but on a keyboard I sometimes just type.

  • It really depends what sort of recipes you’re making, but for cooking very loose approximations are often fine.

    I often have to convert to weight/mass in order to find out how much of an ingredient to buy. I have no idea how many cups an eggplant is. But once I get it home the recipe might as well say “however much eggplant you have.”

    If I’m truly off, I will typically scale up the recipe adjusting for the extra meat or vegetable content. I’ll more or less assume that 1lb of meat is interchangeable with 1lb of veggies. That’s not quite true, in particular with salt.

    Your mileage may vary though. Some recipes and ingredients are much more sensitive to deviations.

  • ThisIsNotHim@sopuli.xyztoLinux@lemmy.mlFirefox Devs Working on Tab Previews
    5 months ago

    It’s a good feature, and probably makes sense to default to on. But I know I’ll find it more distracting than useful, so I’ll turn it off.

    Large tooltips on mouseover are usually distracting. Facicons, text, and additional windows do enough to remind me what my tabs are.

    New features often aren’t helpful to each and every user, but as long as I can turn off the ones that are actively unhelpful to me, I’m perfectly happy to see them.

  • I don’t think they’re confused by times like 1pm.

    At least for my brain, 12pm and 12am are the sticking points.

    As you note, pm is Latin for after noon, yet we call noon 12pm. Noon isn’t anymore after itself than it is before itself. Neither makes any sense.

    With 12am, we generally seem to think about midnight as the end of the day, even though it’s really the start of the new day. The Latin isn’t confusing here, but the numbers get real weird. We start the day counting at 12:00, go up to 12:59, and then reset the count to 1 an hour in? Our 12h clocks are split between being 0-indexed, and a weird variant of modulus 12.

    I’m clearly overthinking things, but I don’t always immediately remember which 12 is which. Latin doesn’t help.

    With 00 it’s clear which time we’re talking about, and which calendar date it’s part of. It’s also the easiest way to sort out which 12 gets mislabeled what.