I fucking love Firefox, Linux and open source!

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • The joke is about the bin/ directory on Linux, which contains the binaries of the system (also called executables) which can break the system if you delete it, and also refer to the paper bin where all your trash files go and people tend to delete usually.

  • Hey, I FUCKING love Photon and as soon as I can I’m going to donate to the project, but I have three questions: Is there any kind of official community for the project? And, is there a way to search communities and only communities? I mean, I can search for posts and then search for communities where that post may be, but can I search for communities directly, and lastly, how can I join a community within Photon?

  • I think on Reddit most mods were volunteers, those who were paid were the admins.

    And so far I haven’t encountered any problems with moderators personally although not long ago there was a problem with a community (c/shitposting) where some unscrupulous users started to upload child pornography (CP) (another term is used but I don’t remember) in the comments as images and that sucked because Lemmy unlike Reddit has no automatic post deletion tool (like bots) or enough moderation tools (as I have read from some moderators) and you must consider that the instances are maintained by people like you and me without any legal backing, if I have an instance where I federated with you and someone uploads CP to your instance, that CP will be in my own instance and that can have serious legal consequences for everyone. and besides, since moderators are volunteers they can’t spend all day checking every post and comment because they have a real life out there.

  • I find it difficult to give an opinion on this, on the one hand I consider that it should not be easy to be a moderator but on the other hand I remember cases of certain communities (r/JusticeServed) where the moderators were corrupt and accepted money in exchange for banning someone from the sub, or tried to hide certain posts that did not suit them, and that seems to me to be complete bullshit but not all subreddit’s mods are like that and you can not judge like that.

    I guess Lemmy’s advantage in this case, is that because of the nature of the fediverse it is more difficult for that to happen, but it can happen.