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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Mark my words. Don’t ever use SATA to USB for anything other than (temporary) access to non critical preexisting data. I swear to god if I had a dollar for every time USB has screwed me over trying to simplify working with customers’ (and my own) drives. Whenever it comes to anything more advanced than data level access USB just doesn’t seem to offer the necessary utilities. Whether this is rooted in software, hardware or both I don’t know.

    All I know is that you cannot realistically use USB to for example carbon copy one drive to another. It may end up working, it may throw errors letting you know that it failed, it may only seem to have worked in the end. It’s hard for me to imagine that with all the individual devices I’ve gone through that this is somehow down to the parts and that somewhere out there would be something better that actually makes this work. It really does feel like whoever came up with the controlling circuits used for USB to SATA conversion industry-wide just didn’t do a good enough job to implement everything in a way that makes it wholly transparent from the view of the operating system.

    TL;DR If you want to use SATA as intended you need SATA all the way to the motherboard.

    tbh I often ask myself why eSATA fell by the wayside. USB just isn’t up to these tasks in my experience.

  • Once you face the (seemingly) inevitable necessity of further hardware purchases it does become sort of tedious I must say. I used to treat my raid parity as a “backup” for way longer than I’d like to admit because I didn’t want my costs to double. With unraid I at least don’t have the same management workload that I have on my main box where I have a rolling release Arch with manually installed ZFS where the build always has to line up with the kernel version and all that jazz. Unraid is my deploy and forget box. Rsync every 24h. God bless.

    Proxmox has been recommended to me before I switched my main server to Arch but once I realised that it has no direct docker support I thought I’d rather just do things myself. It really is a matter of preference. It’s kind of hard to believe that all the functionality in Proxmox can be had for absolutely free.

  • It’s understandable that you want to take your virtualization-capabilities to the next level but I also don’t see the appeal of containerizing unraid like many others here. I started using unraid last autumn and to me it really is about being able to mix drive sizes. It’s a backup to my main server’s ZFS pool so (fingers crossed) I don’t even really worry about drive failures on unraid. (I have double parity on ZFS and single parity on unraid.)

    Anyways my point is I started out with 8 SATA slots plus an old USB-based enclosure with i set to JBOD mode and that was a pretty stupid idea. unraid couldn’t read SMART data from those USB drives. Every once in a while one of the drives would suddenly show up as having an unsupported partition layout. Couple weeks ago all 5 drives in the enclosure started showing up as unusable. So as you can imagine I dropped that enclosure and now am working solely off the 8 internal slots. I’d imagine that virtualizing unraid’s disk access might potentially yield similar issues. At least the comments of people here remind me of my own janky setup.

  • I can’t chime in on that specific angle but on exactly the opposite. I’d call myself an Arch guy, or Manjaro and Endeavour more specifically. But recently I started hearing more and more about Nobara, I own a Steam Deck and use GE Proton on there which is from the same guy so I said I wana try Nobara and I immediately felt at home. I’m not a big KDE fan but really the out of the box Nobara experience when it comes to gaming needs felt and feels so complete to me I really couldn’t complain about a single thing.

    It obviously wont replace Arch in my homelab but I don’t think I’ll ever consider anything else besides Nobara for my desktop again. Point being I had next to zero practical Fedora experience up to that point. I tried Garuda before which is also Arch based and supposed to cater to gaming needs but with that direct comparison I now feel like Nobara is the only distro that truly gets gaming. It’s SteamOS for the KBM based Desktop.

  • Serious question: How could ANY economy possibly grow when it is spending so much on something that only means death and destruction? The P in GDP stands for something that’s produced. Currently the main product of Russia is annihilation, something that should be pretty hard to sell at a profit. (And the rest would probably mostly be cheap oil and natural gas for those who still trade with Russia.)

    By the logic of that graphic (and please bear with me here): If Russia wasn’t currently killing its (former) UA brothers it would be growing even more because all that bloodmoney could be spent on productive things. No? Am I missing something here? Point being that if that was the case, that growth could have been achieved before 2022 and 2014 when there were no external conflicts.

  • If Mullvad is not available as a Snap or Flatpak (2 ways of installing self-sufficient auto-updateable packages without dependencies on other packages) then youre probably stuck with either adding this 3rd party repository (something which isn’t always recommendable either) which gives you automatic updates or using a .deb installation file like you would probably prefer and then manually retrieving updates when needed.

    Anyways, others have told you as much already anyways. What I’d like to add is that it is definitely worth it to learn to work the terminal. I get that there are many people looking for an alternative to Windows or just an open approach to computing in general without looking for added complexity. Who wants complexity right? Whether such an experience exists in the Linux world is probably subjective. Ubuntu has definitely been a safe bet for the flattest learning curve required since its inception in 2004. But its still a niche thing that won’t experience user-friendly support from everyone (ie Mullvad).

    So one could conclude that in order to truly be “free” (as in Free Software freedom) one needs to claim that freedom. You will fuck things up. You will learn from your mistakes. You will regroup and you will grow as a user and dare I say PC-curious person.

  • I used to (over a span of about 4 years now) just rely on a RaidZ2 (ZFS) pool (faulted drive replacements never gave any issues) but I recently did an expansion of the array plus OS reinstall and only now am I starting to incorporate Docker containers into my workflows. The live data is in ~ and nightly rsynced onto the new larger RaidZ2 pool but there is also data on that pool which I’ve thus far never stored anywhere else.

    So my answer to the question would be an off-site unraid install which is still in the works. This really will only be that. A catastophe insurance. I probably won’t even rely on parity drives there in order to maximize space since I already have double parity on ZFS.

    As far as reinstallation goes, I don’t feel like restoring ~ and running docker compose for all the services again would be too much of a hassle.

  • ad 1: You already know what would happen to Ukrainian spies in Russia. They can thank their lucky stars for still being alive and held in a country with actual morals. ad 2: You already know what would’ve happened to pro-Ukrainian parties in Russia long before 2014. ad 3: All the while Putler is trying to take his country back to that “romantic” era. Seems to me like what’s good for Putler can’t possibly be good for his sworn enemies. ad 4: That’s how fucking martial law works.

    Seriously what do you expect national policy to look like when you’re being invaded? Just let others spy on you, meddle with your national politics in parliament, weaken your resolve? When war starts shit gets fucking real really fucking quick. Putler has declared Ukrainians sub-humans, inferior to the “actual Russian/Slav”, he is abducting their children. This is genocide and it’s just mindboggling how people in actual free countries manage to twist the narrative into such directions like “Ukraine should just sue for a ceasefire”.

    Especially you with your Black-Red-and-Gold profile picture should know how well suing for peace worked with Hitler. Dictators just take what they can until they are dictators no more. Putin will take whatever he possibly can for as long as there is still a breath left in his body. He will rebuild his military, no matter how long it takes, he will model Russia’s economy after North Korea’s and you already know he absolutely will be back for more of the same.