• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah if you’re a functional member of society, then I don’t at all get the stigma. It’s the NEETs that should be getting a bad rap.

    I’ve got my own place, but I’ve asked my mom to come live with me before. She doesn’t want to lol (for various reasons, but we have a really good relationship), but I definitely would feel super comfortable doing so if the circumstances called for it!

  • I think the point with standing desks is really you just want one that can convert to either be a standing or a sitting desk. And you switch it up from time to time.

    It’s odd the people that advocate for standing only all day. Standing in one spot all day is straight up painful unless you’ve got a nice standing mat. Even then it can suck. Walking all day is different and won’t hurt as much. Long periods of immobility in any position aren’t exactly great for you, whether you’re sitting or standing. Not having the option to sit is also terrible.

    A combo of standing and sitting is best, not one or the other.

  • I’m not quite the same demographic as you, but I get it.

    For me, it’s simply not possible to have kids unless I adopted. And that ain’t happening (adoption is a long, arduous, and expensive process and I’m only one person…wouldn’t want to take that alone). I suppose technically my body might physically be able to produce kids…I haven’t tried, but that’s missing the point.

    People sometimes ask me if I want kids and it’s just such a silly question for someone like me. It’s like asking if I had a mega mansion, how would I decorate the 7th bathroom? What I want is irrelevant because that’s not at all in the realm of possibility.

    I don’t know if I would want kids or not. But since it’s not possible, it’s not worth dwelling over.

  • It’s not even a shadowban thing. I’ve noticed a lot of subs have hidden requirements for your post to show up in them. If you don’t have enough posts in the sub or your karma isn’t high enough, even if you’re not shadowbanned, your threads just straight up won’t show up… especially if you made a new account recently. But it doesn’t tell you that. It just lets you think that no one cared to look at your post.

    I’ve noticed that some subs don’t seem to be this way and my threads will show up regardless of how often I’ve posted there and regardless of my overall karma.

  • Odd. That’s backwards from what I generally hear people talk about. When you’re still in your early twenties, it’s very easy to meet people in college/university. Once you start getting older and leaving behind schooling and its associated extracurriculars, it gets way more difficult to meet people. Where are these 35+ people going out and finding partners? Not saying it’s impossible by any stretch of the imagination, just a lot harder.

  • To be a bit pedantic, a lot of millennial fashion in pants are more skin tight (think skinny jeans), whereas gen z fashion in pants are often more baggier. There is overlap, sure. But gen z seem to gravitate away from skinny jeans.

    Personally, I’m just happy that higher waisted pants have gotten more popular throughout the years. Low rise pants only seem to flatter the skinniest, most toned people. I say this as a not overweight person too. Higher waisted pants are just more flattering on everyone, no matter the body type!

    Edit: Lol why am I being downvoted? I didn’t say either of the styles I described in the first paragraph were bad!

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlBest Lemmy App in 2024
    1 month ago

    Jerboa went though a period time relatively early on in it’s development when it was a buggy, nearly unusable mess. It started out cool, then it shit the bed, and now I guess it’s cool again lol.

    Unfortunately I didn’t wait for it to get good again at the time and I ended up switching to wefwef, which has now been renamed Voyager. Voyager never really went though a buggy period on my end as an Android user.