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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Riiiight. And, pray tell Adobe, why in the everloving fuck woul you ever need to “review” private content that’s not posted anywhere? Stop acting like you’re the goddamned pre-crime agency from Minority Report and keep your dirty paws off stuff people are creating privately.

    You are providing tools, and that’s it. I can do horrible, illegal shit with my drill, but it doesn’t give Black&Decker any right to break into my house to do random checks and see if I’m drilling through kneecaps instead of wooden planks…

  • I got it on Game Pass and wanted to give it a try, but when I sat down on the couch, controller in hand, and tried to run it, it asked me to take my phone out and scan a code to create yet another worthless account somewhere. It wouldn’t allow me to even start the game otherwise.

    It made me actually say “are you fucking kidding me!?” out loud and uninstall immediately. Screw that - I will not eat at a restaurant that makes me scan a code to see the menu, and I will definitely not play a game that does it either…

    Rant over, but that experience annoyed me so much that no update or improvement will make me want to install it again.