Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Personality, presence and confidence

    Natural self confidence, but NOT an arrogant selfish confidence.

    Some people naturally have confidence and presence and some people need to build it as a skill.

    I know guys and gals with little to no knowledge or skill build up careers because they just knew how to talk and connect to people.

    I also know guys and gals with years of education and degrees but have little to no way of politely or easily getting along with people.

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.catoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide about bullying
    11 days ago

    If a group of people say or do something intentionally hurtful, justify it with their own logic and keeping doing it, even when you tell them to stop or show them that you’re upset, that’s …


    If an entire population accepts one group of people saying or doing intentionally hurtful things to another group of people on a societal basis based on religious, cultural and historical precedents and beliefs, that’s …


  • How about

    • never buy big ticket items new … especially cars or vehicles

    I’m almost 50 now and in my lifetime … I’ve never owned a brand new car or truck. I’ve always bought used or near new. An old auto salesman once told me that for every person who buys a brand new vehicle, as soon as they drive off the new car lot, they’ve immediately lost about a $10,000 value to their vehicle. So I’ve always bought used. I bought a 2004 Volvo Station wagon about ten years ago when it was already ten years old! I take care of it and it still runs as a reliable vehicle that’s given me very little trouble and still runs and looks great today. It’s not perfect, it’s got minor signs of rust and I’ve invested about $5,000 in repairs to it as this point but after buying it for $4,000, I’ve had a vehicle that didn’t cost me much for ten years and it’s still good. Meanwhile, my young 28 year old neighbour with a good paying job paid $70,000 for a brand new GMC truck (beautiful vehicle) that blew a transmission after the first year and has given him headaches ever since. He got repairs under warranty but he felt funny when I he parked next to me one day with a Toyota Echo he was given as a loaner. After completing his payments for the truck, it will probably cost him about $80,000 to $90,000 and he can resell it to someone or trade it in for $40,000 in four or five years.

  • Anytime you see content, words, signs, articles or statements without any evidence, research, attributions or citations … it’s Ass Logic

    Anyone can come up with a feel good piece of information or information that validates their thoughts or emotions or beliefs … just because it makes you feel good or feel ‘right’ or intelligent … it doesn’t mean that it’s good, valuable or useful information.

    And if you surround and fill yourself with only the information you want that is non-critical to how to feel, think or believe … then you will force yourself into a reality that will be completely disconnected to the rest of the world. Sure you can find people who think and believe like you, but you can also all be caught in the same disconnected reality together … we usually refer to that as a religion, or a cult.