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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • No. I didn’t much like Reddit but I have never had so many problems with a social media site as I have with Lemmy. Right now there’s 17 comments in my notifications page, but no way to access them because it just says “404 - page not found.” And there’s no way to view or erase them.

    Lemmy has tons of connectivity problems also. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d have to rate it minus 100. I’ve left Kbin and actually am no longer even using Lemmy but once in a grand while. I’m looking for other sites that will work better.

  • All of us are in the pre-world War III era and we’re gearing up quickly for it. In many ways it’s already underway, and we’re just now starting to get ready go make it even more massive and global.

    Welcome to the 21st century where men have evolved into nothing more than war mongering utter pieces of filthy shit. This is what will be all our legacy, a world scorched into oblivion and not a trace of humanity anywhere left on the planet. Perhaps that’s for the best, really.

  • Just because no one holds you accountable for doing it, how can you justify being sick and evil enough to want to flog or stone somebody. What is going on with these middle eastern assholes?? Is it something in the water they drink or the food they eat that turns these bigoted males into such flagrantly mentally abberant pieces of utter walking dog shit??

    Well, my advice is, if you’re a middle-eastern woman, arm yourself any way you can and strike first. Throw the first stone, you might just crush the worthless skull of one of these misogynistic women-hating anti-human pieces of maggot infested filth, and do the world an immense favor.

  • Oh you do that, Biden. And Netanyahu, being profoundly interested in our point of view and well known for being open minded, will surely sit down and listen respectively and take your comments into account.

    Netanyahu has one characteristic; it is self-serving and that means a total bloodbath for sport. It will never change its programming. But you just go ahead and try to get this filthy piece of stinking scum to recognize it’s own fatal flaw. That will the day. That will certainly be the great day we all so fucking richly hope for.

  • Sure, they demand change. And I would like to see a flying pig with purple and gold spots. We can all soothe ourselves with magical thinking that, somehow, all of a sudden, people will become humane, smart, caring and worthwhile.

    I’ve been alive 7 decades and have seen 7 decades of war in the mid-East, of people hating police, of police brutality, of crime, of degeneracy, of hyped-up shit-brained plutocrats thinking they are the saviors of mankind, of protests, and hate and war mongering and sickness.

    Nothing will change. The only outcome, to any of this, under any circumstances, is an all-out nuclear war, which if we are lucky will come sooner than later. Sweet oblivion. Total eradication of human filth - that is the only possible and hopeful course for the future of this planet.

  • There was no chance Putin wouldn’t stay in office, more’s the pity as it says all that needs be said about why mankind is unreedemable and unworthy of any sort of salvation. Humanity is a cesspool, and Putin is just one of many pieces of feces that swirl around thinking it is better than the rest of the stinking filth swirling around it.

    Why can’t we just have the nuclear war we were meant to have by now? Why is it taking so long for us to hit those buttons and get this nasty shit over with once and for all? It’s the only outcome that will ever be possible, why are we prolonging it??

  • Well you’re right about the last part, the only real solution is to keep trying, because it’s all a process and there probably won’t be any magical changes overnight.

    But one of the reasons you and so many people today feel this way is - other people are assholes. And so am I, and so are you. We’re humans, and we are all assholes, and so it’s hard to find anyone willing to give the kind of commitment you’re seeking, anyone willing to compromise and anyone who isn’t totally self-involved.

    The secret to happiness is really more about learning to love yourself as is, you have a lot going on from what you said in the first paragraph. And in time, if you embrace that and you learn to exhibit confidence in yourself, you’ll attract the right person.

    Don’t feel pressure because other people “seem” to have it all - there’s no timetable, and everyone blossoms at a different rate. Relax a bit and let go of the reigns you use to throttle yourself. You are fine as you are - relax, breathe, and enjoy the journey!